Wednesday, October 22, 2008

These pics are of Rusty and I's latest, well our first vacation together! We were so excited to be invited to go with my older sis Jackie and her hubby Ben to Las Vegas to a boat convention. We couldn't say no, and we thank you two for taking us, we would have never been able to do this without you and we really needed it! We had so much fun, but we sure missed our boys. It was the first time we had been without them and we caught ourselves saying,"the boys would love this," quite often. But, it really was so nice to get away.
For some of you, you may know our little Easten is sick, so we don't do much because we just want to spend all the time we can with him and Stets. I was very nervous to leave him, I thought for sure he would fever and we would be making another trip to Primary's. After Rusty assured me that if we had to we could catch a flight out to Salt Lake City, and that my mom and his knew what to do and where to go at Primary's if that was the case. I felt a little better after all my family told me he would be fine and not to worry. Well, he and Kenzie(Jackie's little girl) both fevered as we got to our hotel in Vegas. Go figure! We think both were due to teeth coming in and Kenzie's went down that first day. Easten had his the next two days, and with him you never know what the cause is whether it is his teeth, liver or whatever-he is our mystery child! They are all fine now! We had so much fun and it was great to come home and give our boys a big hug and lots of kisses from mom!
Also, I posted some pics of what our summer was like this year. Lots of baseball games for Rusty as he was on four different teams, but we absolutely loved every second of watching him play the sport he loves! We will miss it for sure! For us we treasure our warm summer days, because during this time of year as it gets colder, we have to stay inside and be away from everyone due to Easten's illness. He gets sick so easily and the common cold can send him down for a hospital stay for a few weeks, so we take our percautions and look forward to the warm days that will be coming next year!

1 comment:

Sherydon said...

Holls, i love all the pics, im so glad you guys had such a wonderful summer and im so glad your family got to enjoy being outside!!

I really admire you for what your doing for your friend. I would love to help so please let me know what i can do!!